Laws, bans, $
I don't get some of the proposed changes to laws surrounding domestic violence and deep fake porn, etc., etc., they seem to be based on a rather naïve outlook on society. I suspect the government is being lead by social media factors not good policy.
Firstly, offering cash for abused women you'll get as many spurious claims as you get genuine, some may claim the cost is for the greater good, but really it's just another loophole that will make the process unmanageable. What victims of domestic violence need is physical protection, not a nice dinner before being beaten to death. Pieces of paper are ultimately worthless as defence against weapons or fists.
Banning deep fake porn seems to be a confusion of revenge porn, I'd assert there are as many women making a living out of the deep fake stuff as are being harmed by it, so in that regard a blanket ban probably analogous to banning prostitution. All it will do is send the industry underground making it harder to police. In any case is the producer of deep fakes is doing so for nefarious reasons, the laws related to fraud already exist, and apply not just to porn but also schemes like the misrepresentation of celebrities in online Ponzi schemes.
Finally, bans in general tend to be a lure rather than a deterrent. The people who won't do this stuff don't do it already, and the people likely to do it are almost encouraged by making it harder to do and effectively more lucrative. If you want to stop people doing this stuff, find a way to demonetise it.