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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7485
What are you on about?
COVID is far from over or beaten.
Vaccines are as safe and effective as reasonably possible.
Health workers are taking sensible precautions, read the room.
Social media COVID deniers and anti-vaxers are full of sh1t, they should stand by their convictions.
There is still a price to pay, it's not over.
I have a stent as a reminder of my covid vaccine and boosters era, I did heart rehab and the group I was in were all under 30, all had the vaccine 3-4 weeks earlier. There was another evening group and again it was all young people, the nursing staff and physio's said they had never seen anything like it before, doctors didnt want to comment and just said they couldnt explain it.
My specialist sat on the fence too but said your profile and results didnt indicate I was a candidate for a blockage and subsequent stent. When I asked should I have the next booster though it was a clear No.
Im not an Anti Vaxer as I believe in the value of vaccines or CoVid denier but to me its clear those vaccines were/are not safe for everyone and there needs to be more pre-testing  before you have them especially when you get a series of shots.
My SIL had a lump on his collarbone and his BIL who is a police officer had an issue with his heart which left him unable to work for 12 months all after having the vaccine and boosters.
The normal vaccine development and testing timeline takes 5-10 years if I read right on Google and clearly the CoVid vaccines never had had that period of time when developed due to the urgency to protect people which is understandable, that then leaves the recipients as part of a lab experiment with little recourse as the big Pharma drug companies had indemnity agreements with the Aus Government to prevent any litigation.
I get it was protect the main Herd mentality but it was also a big feck you to the rest if you got sick or worse and you were expendable under the experiment rules and thats why when I hear people say the Vaccines were safe then I get annoyed.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7486

I have a stent as a reminder of my covid vaccine and boosters era, I did heart rehab and the group I was in were all under 30, all had the vaccine 3-4 weeks earlier. There was another evening group and again it was all young people, the nursing staff and physio's said they had never seen anything like it before, doctors didnt want to comment and just said they couldnt explain it.
My specialist sat on the fence too but said your profile and results didnt indicate I was a candidate for a blockage and subsequent stent. When I asked should I have the next booster though it was a clear No.
Im not an Anti Vaxer as I believe in the value of vaccines or CoVid denier but to me its clear those vaccines were/are not safe for everyone and there needs to be more pre-testing  before you have them especially when you get a series of shots.
My SIL had a lump on his collarbone and his BIL who is a police officer had an issue with his heart which left him unable to work for 12 months all after having the vaccine and boosters.
The normal vaccine development and testing timeline takes 5-10 years if I read right on Google and clearly the CoVid vaccines never had had that period of time when developed due to the urgency to protect people which is understandable, that then leaves the recipients as part of a lab experiment with little recourse as the big Pharma drug companies had indemnity agreements with the Aus Government to prevent any litigation.
I get it was protect the main Herd mentality but it was also a big feck you to the rest if you got sick or worse and you were expendable under the experiment rules and thats why when I hear people say the Vaccines were safe then I get annoyed.
With the greatest of respect EB, is there a definitive direct cause of your stent, your SIL's lump, his BILs heart issue with the vaccines or is it coincidence? Plenty of people prior to covid and its vaccines were perfectly fine heart/cancer/lump wise until they weren't. They weren't candidates for blockages and then they were.
My understanding was that the AZ vaccine probably needed more testing than what the safer, older tech mRNA vaccines did (I think it was explained in an earlier post by someone). In any case, for what its worth, I get your angst and frustration.
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
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2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time
2025-Carlton can win the 2025 AFL Premiership

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7487

I have a stent as a reminder of my covid vaccine and boosters era, I did heart rehab and the group I was in were all under 30, all had the vaccine 3-4 weeks earlier. There was another evening group and again it was all young people, the nursing staff and physio's said they had never seen anything like it before, doctors didnt want to comment and just said they couldnt explain it.
My specialist sat on the fence too but said your profile and results didnt indicate I was a candidate for a blockage and subsequent stent. When I asked should I have the next booster though it was a clear No.
Im not an Anti Vaxer as I believe in the value of vaccines or CoVid denier but to me its clear those vaccines were/are not safe for everyone and there needs to be more pre-testing  before you have them especially when you get a series of shots.
My SIL had a lump on his collarbone and his BIL who is a police officer had an issue with his heart which left him unable to work for 12 months all after having the vaccine and boosters.
The normal vaccine development and testing timeline takes 5-10 years if I read right on Google and clearly the CoVid vaccines never had had that period of time when developed due to the urgency to protect people which is understandable, that then leaves the recipients as part of a lab experiment with little recourse as the big Pharma drug companies had indemnity agreements with the Aus Government to prevent any litigation.
I get it was protect the main Herd mentality but it was also a big feck you to the rest if you got sick or worse and you were expendable under the experiment rules and thats why when I hear people say the Vaccines were safe then I get annoyed.
With the greatest of respect EB, is there a definitive direct cause of your stent, your SIL's lump, his BILs heart issue with the vaccines or is it coincidence? Plenty of people prior to covid and its vaccines were perfectly fine heart/cancer/lump wise until they weren't. They weren't candidates for blockages and then they were.
My understanding was that the AZ vaccine probably needed more testing than what the safer, older tech mRNA vaccines did (I think it was explained in an earlier post by someone). In any case, for what its worth, I get your angst and frustration.
When you do rehab and nearly everyone is under 30 and all had heart attacks 3-4 weeks after boosters and the staff say they have never seen numbers in that age group  like that before then I don't see it as a coincidence.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7488
MBB, I've giving up replying to him now. I understand why Kruddler got so frustrated.

Never reads what he is replying to properly as he is too excited to write his typical rambling reply. 

Waste of time
Looks like I have great efficacy in the fight against bullsh1t!

I agree with your Covid stance. My wife is a microbioligist who works in vaccine manufacturing so have some inside knowledge your average joe does not.

But.....Shawny is 100% right about you skimming posts and missing the point of a large number of posts. There are a handful of people on this site that have said the same thing.
Take it as constructive criticism and be better at it.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7489
When you do rehab and nearly everyone is under 30 and all had heart attacks 3-4 weeks after boosters and the staff say they have never seen numbers in that age group  like that before then I don't see it as a coincidence.
There is certainly a chance it could be a coincidence.

Regardless, how many people in the same age group ended up dead with Covid without the vaccine? How many people did they infect and ended up dead as well? Etc.

In the end, there might be some risk with the vaccine.
But the risk is less than that of covid.
So why risk it?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7490
When you do rehab and nearly everyone is under 30 and all had heart attacks 3-4 weeks after boosters and the staff say they have never seen numbers in that age group  like that before then I don't see it as a coincidence.
It wasn't coincidence, it was COVID.

The issue is settled beyond doubt now, in the historical evidence from billions of doses of vaccine and billions of COVID infections, the problem is people want something to blame, and the virus won't cut it. The numbers are clear, clearer than in regards to any other such event in human history, only fools disregard such a weight of evidence.

The problem is a person can never unhear the hearsay, like it or not, educated or illiterate, what someone hears or reads will stick, that is also a fact of human psychology that all people can do nothing about. The first step is being willing to admit they can be so gullible, most cannot.

Even worse, there are that small segment of Trump like individuals who see such events as an opportunity for profit, all they need is a little something to blame and some public sympathy. Kaching$$$$$$
"Extremists on either side will always meet in the Middle!"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7491
But.....Shawny is 100% right about you skimming posts and missing the point of a large number of posts. There are a handful of people on this site that have said the same thing.

Take it as constructive criticism and be better at it.
Sure, but it won't stop me tearing down towers built of shaky foundations, no matter what gets attached if the foundation is wrong so goes the building, no matter how much sh1t gets bolted onto it.

If I'm wandering through Paris and I notice the Eiffel Tower has a leg missing, I don't need to see the rest to know it's forked, and it won't make any difference how pretty it looks or what flags they pin on it.

But wait there's more ......................... the TV hard sell, giving rise to one of the great fake behaviours on the internet, dressing up a raft of bogus claims and utter bullsh1t with a veneer of half truths that some poor sap might believe could point to some truth.
"Extremists on either side will always meet in the Middle!"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7492
When you do rehab and nearly everyone is under 30 and all had heart attacks 3-4 weeks after boosters and the staff say they have never seen numbers in that age group  like that before then I don't see it as a coincidence.
It wasn't coincidence, it was COVID.

The issue is settled beyond doubt now, in the historical evidence from billions of doses of vaccine and billions of COVID infections, the problem is people want something to blame, and the virus won't cut it. The numbers are clear, clearer than in regards to any other such event in human history, only fools disregard such a weight of evidence.

The problem is a person can never unhear the hearsay, like it or not, educated or illiterate, what someone hears or reads will stick, that is also a fact of human psychology that all people can do nothing about. The first step is being willing to admit they can be so gullible, most cannot.

Even worse, there are that small segment of Trump like individuals who see such events as an opportunity for profit, all they need is a little something to blame and some public sympathy. Kaching$$$$$$
That works both ways though.

It was COVID, it was the vaccine.

What if it was both, what if it was neither and it was just a coincidence that people were on edge, and actually getting their health problems looked into for the first time?

You would be amazed at how many people were deficient, and COVID whilst no walk in the park, is highly treatable with something as simple as panadol which was NOT socialised anywhere near as much early in the pandemic as handwashing and the rest of it.

Also for something that highly contagious, it was pretty hard to catch off someone.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7493
The vaccines did have serious side effects on some people.
Elwood thanks for sharing your story, my father in law was told by his oncologist not to get a second shot after the first one put him in hospital.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7494
The vaccines did have serious side effects on some people.
Elwood thanks for sharing your story, my father in law was told by his oncologist not to get a second shot after the first one put him in hospital.
MBB, Hope your Father in law is doing better with his health, there needed to be pre testing for folk with serious pre existing conditions.


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7495
The vaccines did have serious side effects on some people.
Elwood thanks for sharing your story, my father in law was told by his oncologist not to get a second shot after the first one put him in hospital.

Does that mean the oncologist didn't 'follow the science' or maybe knows more then the experts on here which like to categorically state the vaccine was safe for all and was tested to the same degree of any drug and that if you don't take it you shouldn't even be treated. 

Really hope you father in law is ok mate and he listened to his specialist

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7496
You can test any medicine, vaccine or otherwise, for 50 years, and you will not achieve a 0% failure rate. Making a decision as to when a medicine can go live is not just about science. There will always be competing factors to weigh up. The luxury of unlimited time simply wasn't there. I'd be curious to hear from the ones who are dissatisfied with the vaccine timeline, what would your solution be ?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7497
The vaccines did have serious side effects on some people.
Elwood thanks for sharing your story, my father in law was told by his oncologist not to get a second shot after the first one put him in hospital.
MBB, Hope your Father in law is doing better with his health, there needed to be pre testing for folk with serious pre existing conditions.

A lot of the people who had heart issues didn't know they had 'pre existing issues'until they got sick.

Covid and the vaccines just highlighted it.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7498
The vaccines did have serious side effects on some people.
Elwood thanks for sharing your story, my father in law was told by his oncologist not to get a second shot after the first one put him in hospital.

Did he have a known heart condition before the vaccine?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7499
That works both ways though.

It was COVID, it was the vaccine.

What if it was both, what if it was neither and it was just a coincidence that people were on edge, and actually getting their health problems looked into for the first time?

You would be amazed at how many people were deficient, and COVID whilst no walk in the park, is highly treatable with something as simple as panadol which was NOT socialised anywhere near as much early in the pandemic as handwashing and the rest of it.

Also for something that highly contagious, it was pretty hard to catch off someone.
There are many contributing effects to varying degrees, but the huge numbers behind the pandemic expose and unequivocal conclusions about the effects of COVID and the efficacy of vaccines. In this regard it doesn't work both ways because the real world doesn't operate on opinions and subterfuge.

One of the great acts of misdirection is for naysayers to imply or assert a rarity is common place event.

Panadol and other pain killers do nothing but diminish some of the symptoms, it's not a treatment for a viral infection, that sort of advice is as dangerous as recommending hydroxychloroquine.

Real doctors live and operate by the Hippocratic Oath, to avoid harming patients and never abuse the doctor-patient relationship.
"Extremists on either side will always meet in the Middle!"