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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7440
I can't believe we are still talking about covid.

It was rubbish.  We over reacted and odds are it would have been an identical outcome.

The assumptions early is that every covid sufferer would end up with pneumonia and the health system wouldn't cope.  That's why we locked down.  No one i know is getting vaccinated today and if it were as bad as advertised we would be up the creek.

The vaccines may have helped but imho I haven't had a booster since Jan of 22, and 3 years later whilst having caught it 3 times, the science should show that my immunity to it is gone because 0 boosters.

But they have a lend and say the vaccines stopped me from getting it to begin with, and didn't really help me fight it off. 

What it all amounts to is that covid = not what it was cracked up to be.

You guys can admit defeat now.  They attributed a bunch of people with co morbidities to covid deaths because they died whilst covid positive even with congenital heart failure.  The numbers are rubbery as well.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7441
I can't believe we are still talking about covid.

It was rubbish.  We over reacted and odds are it would have been an identical outcome.

The assumptions early is that every covid sufferer would end up with pneumonia and the health system wouldn't cope.  That's why we locked down.  No one i know is getting vaccinated today and if it were as bad as advertised we would be up the creek.

The vaccines may have helped but imho I haven't had a booster since Jan of 22, and 3 years later whilst having caught it 3 times, the science should show that my immunity to it is gone because 0 boosters.

But they have a lend and say the vaccines stopped me from getting it to begin with, and didn't really help me fight it off. 

What it all amounts to is that covid = not what it was cracked up to be.

You guys can admit defeat now.  They attributed a bunch of people with co morbidities to covid deaths because they died whilst covid positive even with congenital heart failure.  The numbers are rubbery as well.

Although I agree with you, 3 Leos, it is with the benefit of hindsight. At the time, we just didn't know how bad it could be.

With the aforementioned hindsight and after further analysis, severe cases and deaths seemed to strongly effect those with compromised immune systems and diabetics.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7442
Thats weird as i thought science told us and dan did too that the vaccines worked.

What does it matter what others do if youre ‘protected’
The spin is in your conspiratorial words, ironic isn't it, all the begging for people to think freely using social media spin as "the information source". "They've" put the words in your head @Shawny, you did not invent any of it, you're Shawny the Sheep.

Science has always answered the question, not all people develop immunity, some only gain resistance, others nothing and a very very small fraction can cop a side effect, some have allergies, and like the impact of your alarmist allegations (another irony) most of the benefits are only temporary.

LOL - a covid sheep calling someone that disputed the covid lies as a sheep!!

OMG ive heard it all now.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7443
I can't believe we are still talking about covid.

It was rubbish.  We over reacted and odds are it would have been an identical outcome.

The assumptions early is that every covid sufferer would end up with pneumonia and the health system wouldn't cope.  That's why we locked down.  No one i know is getting vaccinated today and if it were as bad as advertised we would be up the creek.

The vaccines may have helped but imho I haven't had a booster since Jan of 22, and 3 years later whilst having caught it 3 times, the science should show that my immunity to it is gone because 0 boosters.

But they have a lend and say the vaccines stopped me from getting it to begin with, and didn't really help me fight it off. 

What it all amounts to is that covid = not what it was cracked up to be.

You guys can admit defeat now.  They attributed a bunch of people with co morbidities to covid deaths because they died whilst covid positive even with congenital heart failure.  The numbers are rubbery as well.

Although I agree with you, 3 Leos, it is with the benefit of hindsight. At the time, we just didn't know how bad it could be.

With the aforementioned hindsight and after further analysis, severe cases and deaths seemed to strongly effect those with compromised immune systems and diabetics.

Baggers i agree to a point, however the statistics from very early on was clear as to who COVID was a risk for and who it wasn't yet our wonderful leadership ignored it.  Anyone who was able to think about this and not blindly follow 'the science' quickly worked out there was more to COVID then just being an unfortunate pandemic that would wipe out 100s of millions if we don't all get vaccinated - Much much more to it.

The double standard in COVID was awful - New potential breakthrough cancer drugs that can save not only the elderly but all age groups are refused until the testing is concluded and then its approved yet while COVID drugs were not able to be tested to that same standards it was forced on us all like its categorically safe where this assurance could not be given! And to even suggest it onto kids and teenagers who had no health issues was criminal and disgusting. That was when i lost all trust.

The elderly and compromised IMO had no option but to take it as COVID is a bigger threat to them then the potential side effects however those healthy under 50s should have been exempt and if they were concerned consult there doctor for there guidance.

Locking teenagers out of society unless they got the jab was criminal - and then to still keep everyone (vaccinated or not) locked up was disgusting and the public wont be stupid enough to believe anyone but there own doctors this time.

Those who believe everything the 'science' told them yet refuse to answer this. Why when the figures clearly showed COVID was not a major issue for young and healthy middle aged were we all grouped in one category and forced to take a drug that was not given the usual testing? How can that point possibly be disputed and hence why when it comes to my health i trust my doctor and not big Pharma and definitely not a politician. How Andrews, Sutton and co sleep at night is beyond me.                 

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7444
Revisionist history; the epidemiologists were spot on and our health officers - and politicians of all persuasions - did a great job.

Up until Apr 2024 the USA had 3,642 deaths per million and Australia had 937. That’s a credit to the policies of our governments and our vaccination program.

And at what cost?

If you credit our governments handling of COVID as based purely on lives lost lets implement the following as well.

Ban junk food
Ban cigaretes
Ban alcohol

Obesity, lung and throat cancers, liver disease and alcohol related cancers kill hundreds of thousands a year. Our leaders can save these lives with the above laws.

Ever been to North Korea, Russia or China?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7445
I can't believe we are still talking about covid.

It was rubbish.  We over reacted and odds are it would have been an identical outcome.

The assumptions early is that every covid sufferer would end up with pneumonia and the health system wouldn't cope.  That's why we locked down.  No one i know is getting vaccinated today and if it were as bad as advertised we would be up the creek.

The vaccines may have helped but imho I haven't had a booster since Jan of 22, and 3 years later whilst having caught it 3 times, the science should show that my immunity to it is gone because 0 boosters.

But they have a lend and say the vaccines stopped me from getting it to begin with, and didn't really help me fight it off. 

What it all amounts to is that covid = not what it was cracked up to be.

You guys can admit defeat now.  They attributed a bunch of people with co morbidities to covid deaths because they died whilst covid positive even with congenital heart failure.  The numbers are rubbery as well.

Although I agree with you, 3 Leos, it is with the benefit of hindsight. At the time, we just didn't know how bad it could be.

With the aforementioned hindsight and after further analysis, severe cases and deaths seemed to strongly effect those with compromised immune systems and diabetics.
I have no issue with what we did early.  As time wore on, I started having issues and if you tell me something about covid today...

Good luck to you.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7446
People continue to blame Dan Andrews for the lockdowns.

People should look in the mirror.

People refusing to go into lockdown is what caused the continuation of the lockdowns.

I've said it all along.
Dan Andrews biggest mistake was trusting people to do the right thing. If we did. It never would've been an issue and never would've got to the stage it did.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7447
Every country that enacted some form of COVID or vaccine denialism suffered between 300% and 500% higher death rate than Australia, some are still under the detrimental effects of that decision as long term economic impacts come into play, and another wave / surge appears to be in the very early stages.

It's ironic that a large number of people who were vaccinated now claim the impact of COVID was minimal or less than expected, @kruddler‍ is right in that we should let nature decide, if you believe yourself to be impervious stand by that decision and decline vaccination and medical treatment.

Don't be like the two faced individuals of the past and clog up the hospitals begging for last minute assistance, suck it up and die like a man!
"Extremists on either side will always meet in the Middle!"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7448
I’m not an epidemiologist but I seem to be caught up in a debate by members of “Epidemiologists’R’us” 🙄

Can anyone cite one peer-reviewed publication that concludes that COVID deaths were overstated or co-morbidity deaths were wrongly attributed to COVID?

This is why raving lunatics like Robert F Kennedy get to be the US health secretary.
It's still the Gulf of Mexico, Don Old!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7449
The vaccine definitely reduced the effects of covid. First time I got it not long after my 3rd shot it was a mild cold, the next time a couple of years later was a bad flu.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7450
This is why raving lunatics like Robert F Kennedy get to be the US health secretary.
Kennedy is another one who thinks the planets biggest problem is over-population, these norbits like he and Musk want to continue driving V8s, ski boats and flying private jets with impunity, and they think the best way to reduce pollution is to kill off a large enough chunk of the population.

The stupidity is, the people who follow them are the ones(the pawns) they will throw to the wolves.

btw., If you agree with their policies then you will be living with and consigning your children to massive cost of living increases dwarfing what the current generations already complain about.

America, the land of unaffordable health care!
"Extremists on either side will always meet in the Middle!"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7451
A friend of mine in the UK got COVID before the vaccines were available.  He was in a coma for six weeks, came very close to dying and was crook for months afterwards. 

I am up to date with all of my vaccinations and just have to have another shingles shot in a couple of months.  I haven’t had the flu in 20 years and got a very mild dose of COVID after attending a game at Darklands last year. 

And at what cost?

If you credit our governments handling of COVID as based purely on lives lost lets implement the following as well.

Ban junk food
Ban cigaretes
Ban alcohol

Obesity, lung and throat cancers, liver disease and alcohol related cancers kill hundreds of thousands a year. Our leaders can save these lives with the above laws.

Ever been to North Korea, Russia or China?

This is why we can’t have a sensible discussion 🙄

Obesity, cancer, liver disease and alcohol-related diseases are not contagious and cannot be controlled by vaccination or infection control.

Any government who tried to ban junk food, alcohol or tobacco would be voted out and the opposition would immediately lift any bans that were imposed.

Think about the push to discourage sugary drinks and the LNP toeing the sugar lobby’s line …

As for the cost of anti-COVID measures, you’re dead for a long time.
It's still the Gulf of Mexico, Don Old!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7452
Anecdotal evidence isn't anecdotal evidence when it proves your point?

A friend of mine....

No peer reviewed studies?

The country that had the world's most lenient covid restrictions was sweden:

27000 covid deaths from 2.7 million reported cases.

No it wasn't a walk in the park, but letting it rip didn't kill everyone either.

There were some unfortunate people who got very sick from it, and im not going to pretend it was a walk in the park, but the numbers don't back the science and the science likes to pull at the emotive heart strings like the road toll advertisements do.

No one is even reporting positive cases anymore but get scared one of lps friends said that it's getting bad again.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7453
If I agree with you no evidence is required.
If I disagree then you and all your family and friends are inbred flat earthers.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7454
I lost a best mate of 40 years+ to Covid. Did he get vaccinated? Nuh. Diet? Loved his beer and burgers, and other ultra-processed foods. Overweight? Big time.

Along with diseases associated with bad diet, alcohol, tobacco and poor hydration there's another killer to human health - sedentary life style. Our bodies are designed to move. And my mate was an IT dude leading a very sedentary lifestyle.

We sure as hell can't ban ultra processed and sugary foods, alcohol and tobacco but we sure as hell can continue and increase education around these things encouraging people to take responsibility for what they put in their guts, and poor levels of physical activity/fitness.

As for RFK? Oh dear.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17