Re: General Discussions
Reply #2143 –
Maybe not under the current system. The softly, softly which assumes everyone can be rehabilitated has got us where we are now. It seems to me there are some that are incapable of being rehabilitated and need to be institutionalised permanently (humanely of course). I think parents and guardians (irrespective of the family situation) need be held way more accountable for the minors under their control. The ratbags aren't fazed by occasional custody because it's not a penalty. That is, the penalties aren't even commensurate with the crimes let alone harsh. Australia is the best country on the planet no doubt about it. However the increase in youth crime and violence is totally unacceptable. There should have been a coordinated National Task Force established years ago to combat the escalation. When I say task force, I dont mean a bunch of coppers with guns and batons, I mean senior coppers, laywers, KCs, Judges, Senior Politicians, experts in youth crime prevention from here and abroad, etc etc. workshopping new laws, new methods for assessing and dealing with repeat offenders. There seems to be nothing going on and it's getting further out of control. In the meantime, ordinary law abiding citizens are living in fear, selling up moving houses, abandoning businesses, this is just not on. This cannot continue, this system is broken and it needs to be fixed as a matter of priority. Prioritised ahead of any train stations, rail loops, tunnels, airport railways, new sports stadiums etc.