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Topic: Trumpled (Alternative Leading) (Read 581729 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3825
We sometimes criticise our own method of electing our leaders.
It rarely throws up the big 'personality'.
More often the leader is a 'bland' party man who reaches the position of Prime Minister through longevity as much as anything else.
But, that leader rarely reaches the position of head of his party without extensive experience in other portfolios so they bring to the job a fair bit of experience across a range of areas.

Trump wouldn't last 5 seconds in our system.

We tend to look at the American system through our own expectations of leadership...and as bland as our guys are they are always going to be better than the US alternatives...if they don't come up to scratch they can be replaced in  heartbeat.
With that standard in mind it is often difficult for Australians to understand why someone like Trump can appeal to the voter.
But looking at it through the eyes of an American, they are looking for what party or candidate offers the best outcomes for them.
It's quite specific to their situation.
They don't worry about what is happening in the rest of the world or even other parts of the US.
If they think the last four years under Biden/ Harris has seen them worse off than the previous four years under Trump then they'll vote for Trump.
We're just spectators...the decision is one for them.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3826
We need to change governments frequently to keep balance. The extreme left are just as dangerous as the right. look at what a decade of one party has done to our state? We have kids in school identifying as cats and teachers are not allowed to tell them to cut the nonsense.

At Baxter Tech in the early ‘80’s we had a kid who thought he was a Mack truck, complete with gear change noises and little wheel spins when he went from standing to walking… 🙄
Sorry, what was your point again ?
Let’s go BIG !


Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3827
We need to change governments frequently to keep balance. The extreme left are just as dangerous as the right. look at what a decade of one party has done to our state? We have kids in school identifying as cats and teachers are not allowed to tell them to cut the nonsense.

At Baxter Tech in the early ‘80’s we had a kid who thought he was a Mack truck, complete with gear change noises and little wheel spins when he went from standing to walking… 🙄
Sorry, what was your point again ?

What's your point?
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3828
Off topic again but the "furries" in our schools is a beat up following similar lines to a US urban myth that was publicised by Joe Rogan.

Try checking Snopes first  ::)
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3829
My wife works in a school but what would she know hey?
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3830
Oooh what are you going to say now?
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3831
My wife works in a school but what would she know hey?

No doubt anecdotal evidence has its place, but I'd be wary of drawing general conclusions based on that. My daughter attends a government high school, and I quizzed her about it this morning. She certainly knows the subculture, but said it's a very small number of students, and there's no interruptions to classes, secret recruiting drives in hallways, or much else of note. In order to see whether there's a general problem, we need a lot more than a couple of anecdotes.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3832
A couple of Private schools in Melbourne have students identifying as Cats and the schools are allowing it as long as classes are not affected and have been advised to treat it as a mental health condition.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3833
There is one non-verbal child at a private school who prefers to behave like a cat and her school accommodates that.

My sister is a teacher and my nephew is a principal.  Both describe “furries” as harmless role playing by very few children.

My oldest grandson is in secondary school and he said that there are no overt furries at his school.  The younger two are at primary school and they do have some students who role play as cats or wolves at lunchtime.  My daughter says that it’s not an issue.

My neighbours, one of whom is a secondary school teacher and the other is a teacher’s aid, tell me that there aren’t any furries in character at the local schools.

Of course, that’s only ten schools out of hundreds but it’s still significant that the anecdotal evidence supports the fact checking by Snopes, Australian Associated Press, Mamamia, etc.

There’s nothing new about furries and it’s estimated that there are several thousand adult furries in Australia.  They even have a national conference … without kitty litter.

I wonder if furries are part of “the enemy within” 🙄

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3834
I remember when I was at school we used to have a lot of trouble with kids identifying as Magpies, Tigers and Bombers.
Totally out of touch with reality :D

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3835
A couple of Private schools in Melbourne have students identifying as Cats and the schools are allowing it as long as classes are not affected and have been advised to treat it as a mental health condition.

My father would have had the perfect cure for the condition (clue: it didnt involve medication). The world has gone farken mad.
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time
2025-Carlton cannot win the 2025 AFL Premiership

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3836
There is one non-verbal child at a private school who prefers to behave like a cat and her school accommodates that.

My sister is a teacher and my nephew is a principal.  Both describe “furries” as harmless role playing by very few children.

My oldest grandson is in secondary school and he said that there are no overt furries at his school.  The younger two are at primary school and they do have some students who role play as cats or wolves at lunchtime.  My daughter says that it’s not an issue.

My neighbours, one of whom is a secondary school teacher and the other is a teacher’s aid, tell me that there aren’t any furries in character at the local schools.

Of course, that’s only ten schools out of hundreds but it’s still significant that the anecdotal evidence supports the fact checking by Snopes, Australian Associated Press, Mamamia, etc.

There’s nothing new about furries and it’s estimated that there are several thousand adult furries in Australia.  They even have a national conference … without kitty litter.

I wonder if furries are part of “the enemy within” 🙄

More than one I have been told, my son and his wife are both teachers and said there are other themes other than Cats and it goes all the way up to University students. Teachers have a lot to deal with these days and have to be accepting of a wide range of mental health conditions from students and make it all work. They dont get paid enough or have the training to be part time on the job Psychologists.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3837
There are none at my kids' school as they would never tolerate it.
My wife works at a primary school out in Cranbourne and there are litters.

2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3838
A couple of Private schools in Melbourne have students identifying as Cats and the schools are allowing it as long as classes are not affected and have been advised to treat it as a mental health condition.

My father would have had the perfect cure for the condition (clue: it didnt involve medication). The world has gone farken mad.
Its a different world and when you see the options on official documents asking to list your gender and there are more than two options now its confusing for older folk. My father would have said they need a dose of the army or if you want to be a cat then you can eat out of a bowl, have the feline vaccinations and sterilization where appropriate.
The modern approach though is to be inclusive and provide equal opportunity for all parties involved and thats fine but you have to resource those changes and provide appropriate training to those involved providing the services and thats not happening.
When those " Cats" get bullied and their schoolwork affected who is picking up the pieces.
My son has a primary school child who will probably need gender re-assigment in the future but the parents want his new identity kept secret from other students/parents but want my son to treat him as that new identity when/where possible and using his preferred new name which becomes challenging when you have 25 kids in the class Lucky the child is moving school at years end but as I said in the other post teaching has become a much tougher job dealing with all these new wider parameters of society to cope with.
Apologies for digressing with the Trump thread....

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3839
Based on limited facts and detail, and somewhat conflicting anecdotal reports, I'd hazard a guess and say this will be a rather harmless and short lived fad.

If we're talking school behavior, we should be a lot more worried about manosphere influencers like Andrew Tate. There have been reports for a while now about threats to mostly female teachers and his generally toxic influence on young boys. Forget the cats.