Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
Reply #3324 –
Video is not a reliable arbiter for either side of the argument, there are hundreds of adjustments you can make that are effectively indistinguishable to the viewer / listener, they are far too easily doctored to deliver the result the publisher / editor desires.
I doubt a single video from Biden or Trump is issued unedited in some way.
But you know what exposes the truth, as Jung stated, you are what you do not what you say and of these two what Trump does is far far more damaging to society!
Actually, Trump has both sides of this coin covered, he says ridiculous things to incite the crowd, then he hides at the back of the bus leaving the chaos and trouble far away, meaning what he says and what he does is damning. Trump is the archetypal bully you were all educated to identify in school. Trump is the fat controller American movies always portray as coping the hit from the karma bus!
In politics I don't have much regard for most policy, as there is always a price to pay, but the basic rules of decency should still apply, respect people, don't slander or harm them, help whenever you can. Does anyone really see any of that in Trump?