Re: Defence procurement bungles and wins
Reply #60 –
Australia is in the business or procuring long range Tomahawk missiles that are capable of being launched from submarines using CLS(Capsule Launch System) as well as Destroyers via VLS(Vertical Launch System).
After the election Labour confirmed this interest, the nuclear submarines are going ahead I think it's almost guaranteed, perhaps the only thing that might interfere are potential developments in naval robotics(drones whether surface or submarine). The big advantage is not cost, because you just spend as much by purchasing more, the big advantage is not needing resupply so they can stay on station virtually indefinitely, so I suspect these will also be some sort of nuclear based system using the newer compact nuclear pebble bed reactors that are about the size of a commercial fridge. Submarine drones aren't what people think of when they think about drones, these things are likely to be some significant fraction of the size of a normal submarine, and set to autonomously follow surface patrols until required to deploy. Think of vessels in the 30m to 50m class.
The other thing about a submarine drone, they don't need a lot of voids inside for crew, so they can be built to resist the deepest reaches of the crust. In effect sitting invisible on the bottom somewhere until required to come to launch depth. Turns out courtesy of Australia's long history of extreme location mining, we are overloaded with experts capable of designing systems for autonomous operation.