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Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #31
@DJC According to whom?

Don't you know that a good conspiracy theory has a good answer to all questions!  There is always the chance that Diana knew Hewitt before and its all well covered up.


im being facetious, i genuinely dont care about the Brittish Royal family.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #33
@DJC According to whom?

Don't you know that a good conspiracy theory has a good answer to all questions!  There is always the chance that Diana knew Hewitt before and its all well covered up.


im being facetious, i genuinely dont care about the Brittish Royal family.

We share a similar interest in the British Royals Thry 🙂

I’m sure that there have been more than a few NPEs (that’s non-paternal event for those not obsessed with family history) in the Royal family over the centuries, one of the reasons why hereditary monarchies have no place in 21st century nations.  However, it’s pretty clear that Harry is not the product of an NPE.
It's still the Gulf of Mexico, Don Old!

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #34
I recall an interview with James May about a year ago, then Richard Hammond. It was clear that neither of them really had much time for Clarkson, a business relationship only. They both visit each other regularly but seldom visited Clarkson. May explained that, politically, he was the leftie social activist, Hammond the moderate and Clarkson the far right conservative.

I wonder how Amazon will react to Clarkson's bilious diatribe? Breach of contract?

I'm not sure how much time May and Hammond actually spend time together. I've heard May interviewed before (and Hammond for that matter) saying they only see eachother at work.

Before i join everyone, pitchfork in hand, can we get some context for these words?
I've heard Clarkson basically say similar previously about others and its usually done with a smirk on his face. A similar smirk you might find on a fisherman who drops a hook into a school of overenthusiastic fish. Its very much his dark sense of humour and comedic ability shining through.

He is the British version of Sam Newman. A lot of what he says is controversial. He actually believes very little of what he says though and its usually said to grab a headline and make a point.....sometimes far from the point it appears he is making.

Not saying he should've said it. Just suggesting a lot of people are missing the joke.....which is the way in the modern times.
The argument of whether the joke should've been made, is a deeper discussion that is part of the cancel culture umbrella.

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #35
I'm not sure how much time May and Hammond actually spend time together. I've heard May interviewed before (and Hammond for that matter) saying they only see eachother at work.

Before i join everyone, pitchfork in hand, can we get some context for these words?
I've heard Clarkson basically say similar previously about others and its usually done with a smirk on his face. A similar smirk you might find on a fisherman who drops a hook into a school of overenthusiastic fish. Its very much his dark sense of humour and comedic ability shining through.

He is the British version of Sam Newman. A lot of what he says is controversial. He actually believes very little of what he says though and its usually said to grab a headline and make a point.....sometimes far from the point it appears he is making.

Not saying he should've said it. Just suggesting a lot of people are missing the joke.....which is the way in the modern times.
The argument of whether the joke should've been made, is a deeper discussion that is part of the cancel culture umbrella.

Clarkson's daughter disagrees:

"My views are and have always been clear when it comes to misogyny, bullying and the treatment of women by media.

I want to make it very clear that I stand against everything that my dad wrote about Meghan Markle and I remain standing in support of those that are targeted with online hatred."

As Sean Biggerstaff commented, Clarkson is a "rancid old thug" and he uses what may pass as humor to some folk to lead the way for anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, misogynists, anti-science fruitloops and anyone else who shares his bizarre views on farming, regulation, welfare and politics.
It's still the Gulf of Mexico, Don Old!

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #36
Clarkson's daughter disagrees:

As Sean Biggerstaff commented, Clarkson is a "rancid old thug" and he uses what may pass as humor to some folk to lead the way for anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, misogynists, anti-science fruitloops and anyone else who shares his bizarre views on farming, regulation, welfare and politics.

Yes, his motivation for posting is irrelevant - it matters not whether it's just for clickbait, laughs or anything else. Maybe he's also kidding about hating Rose West. His comments are disgusting. In his sad delusional mind, I'm sure he thinks it's both hilarious and an "achievement" to get a rise out of the woke crowd.

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #37
@DJC According to whom?

Don't you know that a good conspiracy theory has a good answer to all questions!  There is always the chance that Diana knew Hewitt before and its all well covered up.


im being facetious, i genuinely dont care about the Brittish Royal family.
I don't care about dates when they allegedly met, Ill bet whatever you like that one day, it will come out that indeed Hewitt is Harry's father. Why else would the "Institution" toss him out so easily. They talk about the Queen and Charles wanting to protect the "institution", well guess what Harry was part of your "institution therefore he should have been protected. Instead, he along with his wife were fed to the wolves.
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time
2025-Carlton can win the 2025 AFL Premiership

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #38
Markle does everything she possibly can to get her face on the front page, then when the media mention her she claims she is being harrassed.

Markle is living the premise that there is no such thing as bad publicity, it looks to me that they aspire to the be new Kardashians, with a media coverage motto of "Whatever it Takes!" Every time the media call her out, every time the media call out the likes of Clarkson, Bolt, Jones, Panahi, etc., etc.., they are doing them all a favour! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

We've heard that somewhere before, for example CheatsFC turned the disgrace of being caught into record memberships! :o
"Extremists on either side will always meet in the Middle!"


Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #39
Markle does everything she possibly can to get her face on the front page, then when the media mention her she claims she is being harrassed.

Markle is living the premise that there is no such thing as bad publicity, it looks to me that they aspire to the be new Kardashians, with a media coverage motto of "Whatever it Takes!" Every time the media call her out, every time the media call out the likes of Clarkson, Bolt, Jones, Panahi, etc., etc.., they are doing them all a favour! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

We've heard that somewhere before, for example CheatsFC turned the disgrace of being caught into record memberships! :o

Right. She's trying to make a buck by following the fairly standard celebrity route, so when deadsh1ts like Clarkson post violent misogynistic filth, then that's OK, because hey, that's just the price of doing business ? Maybe the b1tch just had it coming ? Surely you can see the narrative you're setting up here ? You do realise the media portrays Lady Di as holier than thou, despite the fact that she cheated on her husband. The narratives between the two women are totally different, and they're intended to be different, and they're structured to be different. I'm not for or against Di or Markle or anyone else.

And as for the comparison to Essendon, I mean what ?

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #40
No fan of the Royals as I have said before but didnt Lady Di cheat only after Charles had been finally outed as being with that old witch Camilla who had been with since pre marriage days to Di. Think Lady Di had every right to explore her options after having that cheating scumbag and part time tampon now King cheat on her for all those years and ruin her life.
Megan should have looked at Lady Di's life , demise and figured out what her life was going to look like if she became a Royal.
The wedding was bad enough with Kate and William looking like they were attending a funeral and Megans mother looking isolated like she was in Arkansas at a KKK rally....

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #41
No fan of the Royals as I have said before but didnt Lady Di cheat only after Charles had been finally outed as being with that old witch Camilla who had been with since pre marriage days to Di. Think Lady Di had every right to explore her options after having that cheating scumbag and part time tampon now King cheat on her for all those years and ruin her life.
Megan should have looked at Lady Di's life , demise and figured out what her life was going to look like if she became a Royal.
The wedding was bad enough with Kate and William looking like they were attending a funeral and Megans mother looking isolated like she was in Arkansas at a KKK rally....

Whether Di was justified or not, what sort of wife she really was, what sort of husband Charles was etc, are not the issue. The issue is the media portrayal of individuals, the way those narratives shape public opinion and why those narratives exist as they do.

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #42
Seems like some of Clarkson's views on life may have been framed on watching "A Game of Thrones"  ;)

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #43
Most of his views are shaped by being a white, male, self entitled pr1ck - a man who knows full well that the establishment is his safe space, backer and protector.

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #44
You can leave out the 'white' and 'male'.
That's a generalisation that's unrepresentative of all white, males
Just leave it at prick.

He was obviously trying to draw a comparison with the punishment for another estranged 'fictional royal' in Cersei Lannister.

The problem for Clarkson was that if you hadn't seen the show you're thinking WTF
If you have seen the show you're still thinking WTF, he's missed the mark by the side of the barn.